Sunday, June 5, 2011

meet SMAC Harry

SMAC Harry is made up of four budding creatives and industrial design students Stefan Fourier, AndrĂ© Solomon, Catherine Hutton-Squire and Marten Feiter whom I met a few months ago when they approached VAMP to possibly work on an upcoming project with them. 

5K is a Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) project brief which calls on students to design, manufacture and produce a product which could earn them a profit of R5000.00 by the end of the year. In the wake of this challenge,these fourth year Industrial Design students got together to create SMAC Harry, a small enterprise aimed at trendy, functional furniture design.

Combining functionality and chic design and inspired by Mid Century and Art Deco styles, they manufactured and produced two multi-purpose shelving units.  The hooks, mirrors, magnetic shelving and cork allow you to write reminders, pin up photographs, hang your coat and store your wallet all in one. SMAC Harry has endevoured to use only the highest quality materials with superb finishes. They have played with colour and texture to bring a playful edge to the entrance hall or home office.

Super Hero shelving unit

Bird Shelving unit

Hard at work, doing what they do...designing (note the beers on the table)

The Team

These units are now available nationwide from Vamp and retail at R895.00 each.