Friday, July 9, 2010

new stock at vamp this week

Happy Birthday to us! Vamp turned one year old this week :-) Its hard to believe that we only opened our shop a year ago; we have had so much of fun, met so many fabulous people, learnt a lot! and transformed hundreds of pieces of old furniture and given them our unique vamp stamp! Thanks to all of you you for your incredible support and we look forward to many, many more birthdays with you!

Here is a peek of some of the new items we have in store this week:

High gloss red ornate mirror
(62cm x 90cm)

Retro desk with cream accents
(L – 125cm, D – 61cm, H -74cm)

Mid-Century wardrobe in white and dove grey with hanging space, shelves and drawers
(L – 130cm, D – 51cm, H – 183cm)

Small square retro side table with aqua and lime green accents
(30cm x 30cm, H - 34cm)

Vintage Lynch print “Nymph”
(58cm x 79cm)

Vintage Lynch print “Tina”
(65cm x 78cm )

Vintage Lynch print “Woodland Goddess”
(71cm x 92cm)

Vintage wire dish rack painted in high gloss bright pink
(L – 50cm, D – 33cm, H – 40cm

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